
The APPQ brings together professional landscapers from all over Québec and is recognized everywhere as the essential benchmark in the landscaping field. Upon joining the Association, you will position your company as a top service provider.

Only members have the right to display the Certified Landscaper logo. This logo is a sign of professionalism, reliability and competence. The certification program is a rigorous process wherein only competent companies can succeed.

By being part of a professional organization, you stand out from your competitors because certified landscapers must honour and abide by a code of ethics, work according to the standards of the Bureau de Normalisation du Québec (BNQ) and meet minimum guarantees.

The arbitration program we offer in the event of a dispute reassures our clients.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Branding and notoriety

Your membership enhances your brand image and gives your business increased visibility and credibility. The association is active on all social networks and its website is a source of inspiration for its clients.
Our magazine, Les plus beaux jardins du Québec , showcases the winners of our annual landscaping contest. It is distributed throughout Québec and highlights both the achievements and professionalism of our members.

By publishing web and print columns in magazines and on specialized horticulture websites, the APPQ highlights both the know-how and professionalism of its members.

The APPQ participates in various shows to raise awareness about and recognize what it means to be a certified landscaper.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Entre-Paysagistes and the Intranet

Published 5 times a year, l’Entre-Paysagistes informs members about the latest industry news and trends. This publication also contains a variety of columns and valuable tips. The Intranet allows members to access relevant information and documents.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Support and representation

The APPQ advises and supports its members in interactions with the Commission des Normes, de l’Équité, de la Santé et de la Sécurité au travail (CNESST), as well as regarding work requirements that are governed or not governed by the Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ). The Association acts as a representative on behalf of its members with Québec Vert, and works with various governmental agencies, including updating technical landscaping standards Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).

The Association also works closely with the Sectorial Committee for Labour in Ornamental Horticulture (Horticompétences) to develop various human resource management programs, projects or services.

We offer a consulting service to our members for any technical questions or matters relating to customer relations.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Annual contest

For the last forty years, the association has organized a landscaping contest exclusive to its members. This contest showcases their projects and offers great visibility to participants. The resulting notoriety is advantageous for members, the association and the landscaping profession. The projects that are presented at the annual contest awards gala are an inspiration to everyone. The annual convention is an opportunity for certified landscapers to network and share good business practices with their peers.

We take the success of our members to heart. We help them develop their full potential by offering training sessions and interesting conventions.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Exclusive discounts

Members benefit from exclusive offers for various products and services: mutual insurance, group insurance program, discounts with different suppliers, business solutions, etc.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Tools for members

The association also offers its members a variety of promotional tools, such as contracts, stickers, folders and much more.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Eligibility requirements

To become a certified landscaper, your company must have been in the landscaping business for a minimum of two years, enjoy a stellar reputation and be in excellent financial health.

Membership process

The certification program is a rigorous process that takes time. Certification time varies from a few weeks to a few months, but we give a maximum of a year to complete the process.

Here are the steps that your organization must complete:

  1. Complete the Membership Request on our Intranet;

We will send you a $ 300 invoice for opening your file, review and processing of your application.

An organization that will complete the membership process by December 31, 2022 will receive a refund for the 300$ opening fee.

  1. A list of documents to sign and to fill will be sent to your organization;
  2. A member of your organization will have to pass an examination to assess your knowledge of landscaping standards from Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ).
  3. Once documents are filled and the exam passed, we will proceed the mandatory verifications.

One these four steps are completed, your file will be submitted to our board members for official approval. If your organization is accepted, we will send you a certification contract to sign, an invoice of $ 1 120 for annual membership fees, your membership certificate and other important documents.

An organization who will complete the membership process before December 31, 2022, will receive a 25% discount on their first annual membership fee. They will also be receiving a free participation in our 2023 landscaping contest.

If you want to know more about our certification process, click here

Please note that the only information translated to English is on our website. The process must be completed in French.

When you become a member

You will have to sign a contract stating that you will always comply with the standards and regulations required by the certification program, its code of ethics, as well as its guarantees.

You will also be required to attend an annual training session to update your knowledge.

L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!

Annual convention and gala

We hold our annual convention in the month of February. It takes place over two days, during which annual training, and the annual general meeting take place, as well as our awards gala for « Les plus beaux jardins du Québec » contest. An Exhibit Hall is also part of this event, as well as other activities, workshops and conferences.


L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!


Our annual training sessions are held on two separate dates and at different locations in order to better accommodate participant travel.


L'association des paysagistes professionnels du Québec, a winning choice!